Spoiler- I Made One-Pot Spaghetti

I love the flexibility of my meal planning system. Last post I left a cliffhanger- what was I going to do with the last of the veggies? I knew I’d use my shiritaki noodles, but what to make? I left the decision until right before my dinner, so I wanted my food fast. Because I fry my noodles before using (I prefer the texture that way), and I do love my spices, it was easiest and fastest to make a spicy spaghetti-style dish. (Bonus, I also had hot salsa left over and that added heat and a few more veggies). spagbol

So simple and yummy! I chopped up the rest of the zucchini and fried it up with a spritz of olive oil. Meanwhile, I rinsed and drained the noodles. When the zucchini had some nice softening and browning, I moved it aside and put the noodles in the same pan to cook off some of their moisture. Once they were the texture I like, I simply added about a cup of the chunky salsa and heated the whole pan through. Dinner in about 10 minutes, one pot to clean, and enough left for tomorrow. I could have added a side salad and some garlic bread for more variety, but I didn’t bother- this hit the spot for me just as it was.